Some mommy / daddy blogs I read...

+ Chip and BoBo: A fellow Portlandian who is apparently supermom... because she's somehow good at a million things... check out her artsy stuff, graphic/website designs, and sweater story...

Mother, Inc.: A Singaporean mother singlehandedly trying to raise the world's population (though so far she's only made two)... adorable kids... absolutely hilarious blog...

+ Pistols and Popcorn: A Brooklyn mother of three boys... good read...

+ The Practical Mom Guide: A former teacher turned stay-at-home mom of two. Great writing... great read... a practical mom indeed! (I know, my rhyme is corny, but I can't help it).

+ Taming Insanity: Possibly the best written and unpretentiously funny mommy/lifestyle blog...

Some other blogs I read...

+ Daybook: Fun and thrifty fashionista... and photographer...

+ Katie Ella's Day: A friend's picture blog of her little family...